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Shoot & Share Contest: succulents, confetti, & matching PJ’s!

This contest sneaks up on me every year. Yes, I know roughly when it’s coming, but I really need to be better about preparing for it.

Before I get into the details of my procrastination style, I’ll explain what the contest even is. The Shoot & Share photo contest is held at the beginning of each year, and anyone can enter their images. This year, there were 583,150 images entered across 25 different categories. Anyone can go online and vote, which is completely random & anonymous. You have no idea who you’re voting for until the results are released at the conclusion of the contest!

Back to my procrastination: you can enter up to 50 images, as long as they are yours & they haven’t been previously entered. While I’m reminded of that deadline weeks in advance, I tell myself I’m too busy with other things to properly plan in advance and instead end up just hastily uploading 50 images. While this method has worked “okay” in the past, my goal for the 2020 contest (my FOURTH!) is to add to my “S&S” photo album on my computer little by little throughout the year, when an image strikes my fancy!

In 2017, I had 4 images place in the 30th percentile. In 2018, 3 of mine ended up in the same place. For 2019, I had just 1 image place in the top 30%, 4 images in the top 20%, and 3 in the top 10%! Super stoked with these results, despite my poor planning.

I only have my clients (& daughter!) to thank for these accolades. For supporting me, trusting me with your creative, out-of-the-box session ideas, & cheering me on. Ask any photographer, and a major “why” of what we do is the satisfaction our work brings to our clients. It’s an honor I do not take lightly!

Here were the top contenders:

Gainesville Wedding Photographer - CWP Photography
Category: Wedding Details. Place: 1,014/18,829

Gainesville Family Photographer - CWP Photography
Category: Babies / Toddlers. Place: 2,650/41,322

Gainesville Lifestyle Photographer- CWP Photography
Category: "Share Joy". Place: 4,139/10,810

Gainesville Family Photographer - CWP Photography
Category: "Babies & Toddlers". Place: 3,550/41,322

Category: "Babies & Toddlers". Place: 5,560/41,322

Gainesville Lifestyle Photographer
Category: "Teens/Seniors". Place: 4,225/39,136

Category: "Babies/Toddlers". Place: 7,046/41,322

Category: Babies / Toddlers. Place: 7,487/41,322

Gainesville Family Photographer
Category: Families. Place: 8,993/41,257

Gainesville Wedding Photographer - CWP Photography
Category: "The Wedding Party". Place: 1,866/9,135

Looking forward to the rest of 2019, and to the 2020 contest!



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